Minnie Mouse Bouquet Gift


  • Our unique Disney Mickey Minnie Mouse Bouquet Gift Box is perfect for any special occasion.
  • Included in the box are four adorable cartoon characters: Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Lilo and Stitch, Donald Duck, and Daisy.
  • Each character is a super soft and cuddly plush toy doll measuring roughly 8 inches tall.
  • The Mickey and Minnie dolls feature a timeless classic design, while the Lilo and Stitch, Donald Duck, and Daisy dolls are all decked out in fun and vibrant colors.
  • This gift box is sure to make any Disney fan feel special on any occasion, whether its a birthday, Valentines Day, or just because.
  • The box itself is beautifully decorated with colorful Disney-themed graphics, and the characters are all securely packaged in a plastic bag. Its the perfect gift for any Disney fan in your life!
  • Materials:Cotton
  • Features:Stuffed & plush.
  • Gender:Unisex.